asperger's syndrome


Silent retreats to be held in NZ/Australia October 2012 – June 2013

An important aspect of preparing to offer mindfulness based groups is to cultivate your own meditation practice through attending an intensive silent retreat. This is a standard prerequisite required by The Center for Mindfulness, UMass, where the MBSR course originated. In line with this standard, we are also asking each person who wishes to train in MBSR, to attend a silent retreat as part of their preparation.

What kind of retreat might I attend?
MBSR was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn out of the Western Insight (Vipassana) meditation tradition, from the Theravadan tradition of Buddhism. So the retreats which may serve you best might be known as Vipassana, or Insight Meditation, or offered by monastics in the Theravadan tradition.

Please be in touch if you are in doubt about what kind of retreat will serve you and the training, by contacting Tim:

Here is a list of possible retreats that are available in NZ and Australia in the next 9 months. This list will be updated regularly, so do send on any information you have about retreats which may be suitable.

Dates Retreat leader Location Email/website Fee
Oct 26 –28 (2days) Stephen Archer Te Moata $120 plus dana
Nov 27 – Dec 9 Tarchin Hearn Tasmania Contact teacher
Jan 4 -12 (8 days) Stephen Archer Te Moata $480 plus dana
June 1st – 10th (9 days) Stephen Archer Te Moata tbc
Oct– June several 10 day retreats Various Kaukapakapa See schedule
All year Various East Coast of Aust See schedule